Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Life Update -- June 23, 2010

A lot has happened in the last year. I moved out into the
country last year. Things were going pretty good until I
met Arizona. Well, not long after her and I said goodbye
I tried to cut back on my meds. Things were still going
pretty good, except I was not making sense as well. I
take what is dispensed now, and I am tired a lot. The
meds make me tired. This is one of those posts you read
you read where the writer does not spoon feed the reader.
You have to divulge what I'm saying. If you are a fairly
intelligent English man(or woman), you know what the
deal is with my medications. I take several. If I don't take
what they tell me to take, my life gets screwy. The meds
make me tired, and tonight I got some Rock Stars. The
energy drinks available in America are regional, in many
many cases. This one is pretty strong. It has pomegranate
juice. I chose the RS because I'm indulging in a new Jim
Beam product, Red Stag. And you know I am a naughty
boy. Ain't we all.

The internet is the largest and the smallest place in the
world. When you or I write on the internet, somebody\
in town will read it, and they're either the town crier or
they just don't have enough to do without worrying about
what I do. We should all live peaceful and philosophical
lives. I do. I take care of myself. It really is not that difficult.

